5 Signs That You Should Consider Switching To Self-Funding Healthcare Plan

Is your company a great fit for self-funding? Let’s find out

Does Your Company Check One Or More Boxes?

Now, first let me start with this: although many healthcare brokers – myself included – would like to grow their book of business by adding another company like yours, self-funding is not for everyone who simply wants this solution. 
And it’s not just about the criteria your company should meet – I’ll talk briefly about that too – but the key here is how badly you need that improvement, can you use all the amazing features that come with a self-funding plan, and if you’re ready to play the long game. 


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  • You’ve noticed there’s no pricing transparency so plan sponsors don’t know the claim cost in advance within the Fully Insured plan. 
  • Restricted and limited plan designs actually limit your company and employees. 
  • More than 90% of claims are auto adjudicated, when you’re Fully Insured. 
  • Limited use of case management to control claim cost. 
  • You’ve noticed that provider contracts are all snowflakes with varying ‘discounts’ by provider within your Fully Insured Plan. 

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